Make reading intervention less stressful with these French fluency sheets! This pack includes 75 no prep French reading pages. It is designed to gradually get harder as students master French reading skills.
This French reading intervention pack follows the science of reading progression and breaks all sounds into phonemes. This helps students associate letters/letter combinations with the sound they make.
You’ll receive reading practice sheets for:
- Vowel Sounds
- Accent Sounds
- Consonant Sounds
- Syllable Reading (simple sounds)
- Compound Sounds
- Syllable Reading (compound sounds)
- Blends
- Syllable Reading (blends)
- Words
- Sentences
Prep is quick and easy… Just print the pages and practice reading with your students!
French reading fluency practice is great for:
- at risk students
- beginning readers in French
- Early French Immersion students
- Core French students
Here’s how you can use this resource:
- French Reading Intervention Groups
- French Guided Reading
- Home Reading Practice
Copyright © La Classe de Mme Caroline.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.