Make teaching counting skills fun with this engaging, hands-on back to school French counting centre! This set includes 2 French counting stations, perfect for your tabletop centre time. This clear, straightforward activity is perfect for your French kindergarten students who are learning how to count en français.
Let your students learn comment compter en français using these French kindergarten centres. Your students will love learning to count through play-based learning. They won’t even realize how much they’re learning! Perfect for la rentrée en maternelle!
Here’s what you’ll get:
- 10 buses with a number written on them (students add the students)
- 10 buses with students already on them (students count the students and add the number)
- 10 different students (x4, so 40 students total)
- Numbers 0-10, written numerically and in words
These counting centres in French use printable manipulatives provided in the resource, so you won’t have to search your school for some!