Are you looking for an engaging and effective way to teach French Sounds to your students? Then this bundle of French Phonics Stories is perfect for you. Your students will love learning to read in French with these stories. Your students will practice reading French sight words, as well as various words that include the target sound.
These phonics based stories will allow your students to practice their French reading skills in an engaging way. This resource is great for French guided reading or as whole group literacy lessons! This is a great way for your students to practice their blending and decoding skills as well as practice one to one correspondance and learn new vocabulary words. Perfect for your pocket chart centre! Use these for French shared reading!
- 57 sound stories – each focusing on a specific sound (note, a few sounds are combined)
- Full page version – great for photocopying and sending home
- Sentence Strips – perfect for low prep pocket chart stories
- Individual Words – also great for pocket chart stories or for hands on practice (try having your students put the sentences in order!)
Want a free sample? Click here to download it.
Want readers for your students? Click here to check out the mini book bundle.
This goes perfectly with my full year phonics activities! Click here to check it out.